How to Market Your Small Business: A specific marketing plan outlining concrete goals is indispensable to a
well-managed business; without it, financial budgets and profit plans
are incomplete. While even the best marketing plan cannot ensure
success, conducting thorough research and establishing specific
objectives greatly minimizes the possibility of failure. The marketing
plan decreases misunderstanding and increases organized thinking, as
well as serving as a measuring tool for annual progress.
For the entrepreneur or small business owner, marketing is a matter of determining demand, matching a product or service with customer needs, and promoting those attributes in the marketplace to produce sales.Marketing is not a one-time event, but an on-going process.
For the entrepreneur or small business owner, marketing is a matter of determining demand, matching a product or service with customer needs, and promoting those attributes in the marketplace to produce sales.Marketing is not a one-time event, but an on-going process.