Monday Origin PC launched its most powerful EON laptop yet, the EON17-SLX. The company says it doubles the performance and power with the support of a second discrete GPU -- up to Nvidia's GeForce GTX 680M 4 GB or AMD's Radeon HD 7970M -- for a "true game changing experience." That said, this laptop comes with full support for Nvidia SLI and AMD CrossFireX support for fragging in high-def on the go.
And This shock and awe laptop starts at $1,882 and features a wide 17.3-inch Full HD (1920 x 1080) LED-lit Grade A display with a glossy or matte finish, overclocked Intel 3rd-generation ("Ivy Bridge" mobile processors (up to 4.5 GHz with Turbo Boost), up to 32 GB of DDR3 1333 MHz RAM,) and a full-size illuminated keyboard with a numeric pad. An exclusive A-Panel design will be available in the future in matte black, matte red, or your choice of custom paint -- the traditional style is available now.
For the CPU, the base model comes packed with the 2.60 GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 3320M with 3 MB of cache. The most expensive option offered with this notebook is an overclocked Intel Extreme Edition Core i7-3920XM quad-core CPU (4.1 GHz - 4.5 GHz with Turbo Boost) with 8 MB cache, costing an additional $1077. On the RAM front, 32 GB of DDR3 1333 MHz memory (4 x 8 GB) will cost an extra $286.
And This shock and awe laptop starts at $1,882 and features a wide 17.3-inch Full HD (1920 x 1080) LED-lit Grade A display with a glossy or matte finish, overclocked Intel 3rd-generation ("Ivy Bridge" mobile processors (up to 4.5 GHz with Turbo Boost), up to 32 GB of DDR3 1333 MHz RAM,) and a full-size illuminated keyboard with a numeric pad. An exclusive A-Panel design will be available in the future in matte black, matte red, or your choice of custom paint -- the traditional style is available now.
For the CPU, the base model comes packed with the 2.60 GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 3320M with 3 MB of cache. The most expensive option offered with this notebook is an overclocked Intel Extreme Edition Core i7-3920XM quad-core CPU (4.1 GHz - 4.5 GHz with Turbo Boost) with 8 MB cache, costing an additional $1077. On the RAM front, 32 GB of DDR3 1333 MHz memory (4 x 8 GB) will cost an extra $286.